Videolecture: 5:05 min
curated by Susanna Schönberg
Fotos Efeumaria
A miniature exhibition taking place in/at a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, with the participation of Céline Berger, Ji Hyun Park, Evamaria Schaller, Susanna Schoenberg, Therapeutische Hörgruppe.
DISSOLUTION PRACTICES collects sketches anticipating art works and interventions going to be part of a.r.t.e.s forum, annual conference hosted by the Graduate School (Art Parcours on July 7 and 8, 2022).
DISSOLUTION PRACTICES refers on the one hand to the conference theme–Transparency, Transfer, Participation–and to a possible interaction of the reflected relationship between science and society with the, for arte-e-parte, rather acute question of contextualization for artistic work.
The artistic projects implement different formats: visual intervention in the urban space (Céline Berger), narration, imagination and memory (Ji Hyun Park), address, video and performance (Evamaria Schaller), timescape, image, text and situation (Susanna Schoenberg), sound and interference (Therapeutische Hörgruppe).
The project is sponsored by Stadt Köln, and constitutes the yearly exhibition program of a.r.t.e.s kunstfenster for 2022.